Here comes Series 8...or Season 34, take your pick...
Just five days before the premiere of Doctor Who's eighth season of the current series, Doctor Who Magazine has revealed the full list of episode titles and writers. As you can see below, showrunner Steven Moffat is now credited as co-writer on Episodes 2, 5 and 6 and the former "Robots of Sherwood" has been changed slightly to a singular robot. The official synopses for Episodes 1 and 2 are also provided.
Dinosaurs in the Thames and spontaneous combustions all over the city lead the Doctor and Clara into the heart of an alien conspiracy in Victorian London. Only this is a new Doctor, and Clara is not sure whether their friendship will survive his change.
This episode features the return of the Paternoster Gang -- Madame Vastra, Strax and Jenny Flint
When a single ship is surrounded by an entire Dalek fleet, only the Doctor can help the rebels within. Facing his greatest foes, and with a monumental decision to make, the Doctor must examine his conscience and try to find an answer to his question — "am I a good man?"
This episode features the debut of Samuel Anderson as Danny Pink, Clara's fellow teacher and friend at Coal Hill School.
The Series 8 finale features the return of the Brigadier's daughter Kate Stewart, her scientific assistant Osgood, UNIT and the Cybermen.
Doctor Who returns to BBC America this Saturday the 23rd.