This week in Gaming #12

      This last was an ok week. I was able to work on Neverwinter for two days, and that was about it.  So this week I need to get on it and get it done. I am a week behind on one of the books and I need to fix that, I have been working a little at it, before I go in to work everyday.
      Monday:  This week I took Monday off, because I am going back to get my Master's degree, so I will be working on that most of the day, but My plan for the book is to get chapter one done.  I don't know if I am thinking to much to do a chapter a week, but we will see what happens.
      Tuesday:  I will be working on my game story book, this part will be easy I just need to copy what is on my Northern Clan blog.  So I should get it all done this week.  Then I will be done with my stories from the old school gaming section.
      Wednesday & Thursday:  I was thinking that I would get back to building my card game, but after looking at things, I need to be working on this that I can get out faster, so right now I will be doubling up on Neverwinter.  I will be working on the House of Knowledge.
      Friday:  I am looking forward to getting back to working on the Final Dream.  I have to finish somethings  on the Assassin and then I can move on to the next section. 
      Saturday:  I know that Sunday is Mothers day, but I am going to need the most out of the boys this week, so we can get the test play of Escape from Cyclops Island done.  I also get some art work done.  While there you have it, so until next time Keep Gaming.
Posted on May 4, 2014 .