This is
the paladin mini that I used in the Dessert of Desolation game that I played in. I don’t remember what I named her, but at
some point her sword arm got broken. In
this blog we are going to look at some of the minis I have made using Hero
start with the new Amber that is what we will call her because I don’t remember
her name. A female Paladin. She will be one of the few female paladins in
my gaming world. The game that we were
playing in was a castles and crusades game.
we are talking about the C&C game let’s move to the next character in that
game, Cobber. Cobber is a half-orc
cleric, he was the character I was playing when we found the paladin. He was the second character I played for the
first one was killed by an assassin.
Next is
Guin, the assassin I am playing in my 5e game.
She is 6’2 and really greedy.
Now we
are going to look at some of the characters from the 1st edition
game that I played in. I was the only
one playing so I got to run six of them but I cannot remember the last one and cannot
find the character sheet.
Dj the
female cleric, she has save the group more than once.
Foefighter Dwarven Rouge fighter.
a Human fighter.
Human monk
And last
is Morgana the Female human wizard.
I love
playing all of the characters from the 1e game and don’t really have a
fav. I had a ton of fun playing Cobber
and it is always a good time being Guin.
are so many more mini’s I would love to make, plus the kids have decided that
they need their own minis so I am going to be doing that soon. I might have to hold off on the family con
until I can get their minis so they have them for the con. I think they would really enjoy that. So there you have it some minis, so until
next time keep Gaming.