As another week comes to an
end. I was writing on one of my other blogs,
and I have to get some Pre-Gens done.
Some for the Castles and Crusades Game that I will be running and a con
in January, and some for the 1e D&D game that I am doing in Nov for the
Extra-life event.
I only got able 30 min of writing
on the Neverwinter game, but I am going to have to start working on that more,
for I am now DMing it again in a roll20 game.
That should be good.
I spent most of the day working on
getting things up on the EBay store, I was going to list a Deck but I cannot
find the deck list so I am going to have to do that tomorrow, and now that I am
working 10 hour days I think I am doing to have to end this and get ready for
bed so until next time Keep Gaming.