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TV Pilot RoundtableMonroe's Comfy SweaterThe Strain Podcast12 Monkey's PodcastKyle is a television critic and the Editor-in-Chief of the user-driven television review website, ShowRatings.TV. Nicknamed "Troll-in-Chief" by the SRTV staff writers, he is notoriously fickle when it comes to new shows, particularly serialized sci-fi dramas that fans like to rally around. Naturally, this qualifies him to be the co-host of "Monroe's Comfy Sweater," a podcast about NBC's sci-fi drama Grimm, and to host the "SRTV Pilot Roundtable," devoted to all manner of new series. Still, Kyle is only critical of your show because he wants it to be better, and is steadfastly rooting for every series to be the best that it can be. Except Mixology and Dads.

Read Kyle's reviews of a wide variety of shows at