From the blog Super Connectivity
by Charlie Esser for the Nuff Said Podcast
So, I am guessing if you are reading my blog you are probably watching a little bit of Agents of SHIELD as well. Sure, you either agree or disagree with me about Loki secretly controlling every aspect of the MCU and the necessity of Face Heel and Heel Face turns in the world of super heroism, but there are something we likely can agree on.
Like, who is Skye? Mary Sue Poots (yeah you always suspected she was a Mary Sue) as far as we know was born in Hunan Province and was collected by SHIELD agents (who, let’s face it may or may not have been Hydra, or Zodiac, or Sons of the Serpent or who knows what else Marvel has hiding somewhere in the MCU) which lead to her father and her as yet unseen and undiscussed mother using their monster powers to tear through every village to find her and kill anyone who they blamed for the theft of their kid (hey would you do any different , really?)
Fast forward several years, and Skye is being hidden from her parents by SHIELD (did we mention that even when they are the good guys they sometimes seem kind of evil) and hide her true nature from herself. She becomes a magical computer savant who can use the magical Stark tech computers that exist in the MCU to do just about anything she should so wish. Which gets her on the radar of SHIELD, and Coulson, and then blonging ensues.
Up until, people working with HYRDA, who apparently are also working with Skye’s father, decide to shoot her in the stomach to find the magic get out of Valhalla free juice that brought Coulson back from the Dead. One really wonders how Evil McBloodhands (Also known as Skye’s father) felt about that, but this may explain something of the rift that has come to exist between Flowers/Skye’s father and the remnants of Hydra.
(Not necessarily Father of the Year)
Now, here is where the magic happens. Skye comes back from the dead using the stuff that brought Coulson back and as far as we can tell has no ill effects. Coulson, when he came back from the dead, likewise had little to no ill effects. Garrett uses the knock off formula and immediately starts writing all sorts of non sense because the universe has been opened up for him. We could guess that this is because he got the knock off serum, but then a few scene’s after Garret get blowed up by 0-8-4 from the self titled episode, we see Coulson too is afflicted by the magical serum of cosmic awareness.
(don’t worry Coulson we all doodle when on the phone)
Do you see the problem here? We can guess that Coulson had avoided the deleterious “I have touched the face of God” effects because he had the truth of his resurrection hidden from him. Garret of course knowing full well the cause of his resurrection immediately goes off the deep end to Flower’s great joy, and after Coulson learns the truth himself starts experiencing the same issues. The problem with this of course is that Skye was told up front by Coulson that it was eau de blue guy that brought her fact, and her reaction was. O.k.
And that is it, no mystery writing, not touching god faces (though she might be willing to try that if Hemsworth does a guest spot), nothing, just same old Skye, different day. And this tells us more than anything else we’ve been told this series.
Although there was quick hand twitch in the October 14th episode of Agents of SHIELD, we haven’t really been shown any autographia by Skye, or even as she has been asked to research the pictograms created by Coulson and Garrett, any particular affinity for them. From this we can only ascertain one thing. Whatever they put into Skye, unlike what was put into Garrett and Coulson, was already there.
This means whatever that blue person was, Kree, Inhuman, Altanean, Lemurian, they are what Skye is.
The Kree come in two forms, blue and pink, so if Evil McBloodhands is a Kree he could well be a pink skinned Kree (like Captian Marvel), and Skye could be either Kree or Human/Kree, or Kree and something else on earth as well. We also know that Atlanteans and theoretically Lemurians can be Pink if they are half human (like Namor), which goes to my Evil McBloodhands could be Namor or a Namor like character in the MCU (making Skye theoretically ¼ fish person). Inhumans likewise could take many forms, as can Eternals and Deviants (all of whom spring originally from earth as well). So just knowing that Skye and the blue guy share something doesn’t really tell us what the blue guy was, but it tells us a lot about both Skye and her father.
Recently we saw that the obelisk that turns those who touch it to stone for flowers just put on a light show, which we are told makes her a part of the same group as Skye and her Father. However, it also tells us that whatever the Obelisk is supposed to do Skye’s father may not know all its secrets either.
What we have in the Skye family portrait here is three people that belong to something greater than themselves, but that are unaware of exactly what that is.
Which is why I lean towards my Atlantean theory of Evil McBloodhands. When Namor returned to the Marvel Universe it was as a homeless man who had lost all awareness of his past. Even after regaining his memory of his prince hood, his people and world were lost to him for a while. This seems to mirror what we have been given for Skye’s father. He knows he is part of something greater, but even he has limited knowledge of what that is. He wishes to reunite with his people, but he doesn’t know where to find them. Namor didn’t have a daughter of course, and Skye’s parentage isn’t clear here either, but that they are all lost and seeking each other, and none of them look like the Blue being whom they all must share some lineage opens up a new and wonderful world of possibilities for the MCU.
(Namor, first Hipster in Brooklyn)
And even if I am wrong about the nature of those possibilities it will be fun to see what realities the MCU people find to stun and amaze us again.