Posts tagged #Quentin Tarantino

!! Franco Nero Shot My Horse And I Liked It (Django Unchained Is... Well, Unchained) !!

Quentin Tarantino is going to shoot you down, Bang Bang!!

Tarantino is at it again. He has tackled everything from the "Heist Movie", to the "Lone Samurai" film, all the way through World War II, and done so with what I can only describe as "High Class Exploitation B-Movie" sensibilities. The Man knows his films. He has the most eclectic and complete taste in motion pictures that, given the chance, I wouldn't begin to question his knowledge on the subject, even slightly. I have learned that if Quentin recommends a film, he does so because he knows what he's talking about. He is a fan, just like you or I and maybe more so. So far he has not made a movie that I didn't like (wow, that's saying a lot for a person who likes everything... shut up third person self). Tarantino has a command of dialog that others only dream of and he is able to hold your attention whether he is doing action or more subdued drama or comedy. He is one of the few directors in Hollywood who can film whatever he wants to (even though they don't always make a lot of money in theaters). I think that Quentin films what he likes and if you, the audience, respond to it great, if not, so what.

He did "Kill Bill" and got to do both a revenge movie and a samurai flick all in one. Then, he did "Death Proof", his pseudo horror film. Next came "Inglourious Basterds", his dream WWII project. All these movies had one thing in common, they are all homages to the films and filmmakers he loves. You can only call his catalog of motion pictures the "neo exploitation flicks" and he is following those previous tales with his version of the spaghetti western, Django Unchained. Fandango debuted the new trailer for the film here (click it, you'll like it). The name comes from a 1966 spaghetti western staring Franco Nero and directed by Sergio Corbucci. It spawned many sequels and made Franco Nero a star in Italy. Tarantino is a fan and has been know to reuse the names of other movies for his own (much like a repurposed Christmas present). This thing looks fun with a capital Boo Yow! It's got Jamie Fox, Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Don Johnson (watch for the "Colonel Sanders" looking joker), Sam "Nick Fury" Jackson (a Tarantino mainstay), and a whole bunch of people you have seen at one time or another you just don't know their names. Also, watch for the guy sitting beside Jamie Fox in the bar at the end of the trailer, that's Franco Nero (how cool is that... very that's how). Also, you got to love the music, Quentin has an ear for the tunes and that makes his films that much better.

By the way, you should also check out the trailer for Disney's (not Pixar's) new CGI animated movie called, Wreck-it Ralph. If you love old school video games and arcades, then you will get a kick out of this. It appears that Disney Feature Animation doesn't want to always play second fiddle to the alpha male called "Pixar". They are stepping up their game (can't wait). I hope to be back latter in the week for more on E3 and next week my review of "Prometheus" (or as it's known around here, Alien 0). Stay tuned sports fans (yeah I know this is an entertainment site, sue me or better yet don't).

Todd "Hadouken" B.

[Fandango and]