Thor (How many Thunder gods does it take...?)


(How many thunder gods does it take…?)

by Phil Perich for the True Believers Blog

Fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe might be shocked to learn that right now in the Mighty Thor comic that Odin’s favorite son is missing and Jane Foster wields Mjolnir as the new Thor.   

Jane Foster

Jane Foster

This is nothing new.  Thor has been replace a few times in his publication history.  Here are a few examples:


  1. Roger “Red” Norvell

Originally part of a news crew brought to Asgard by Loki, Red Norvell falls in love with Sif and attempts to steal Thor’s hammer.  Only later is it revealed that Red is just a pawn in a plan of Odin’s to create a “replacement” Thor to die in place of the real Thunder god and fulfill a prophecy.  Years later, when Thor would leave Asgard behind after a disagreement with Odin, Odin would resurrect Red to serve as Thor in his royal court. 

Red Norvell

Red Norvell


2. Beta Ray Bill

Beta Ray Bill was the champion and protector of his race, the alien Korbinites.  After an encounter and misunderstanding with Thor, Bill took Mjolnir to protect his race.  Proving he was a worthy and honorable hero after lifting the hammer, Odin gave Bill his own hammer to fight evil, the powerful Stormbreaker, with the same powers as Mjolnir.

Beta Ray Bill

Beta Ray Bill


3. Eric Masterson/Thunderstrike

Eric Masterson was originally bonded with Thor after Eric is injured in a battle between Thor and Mongoose.  Months later, When Thor is banished for killing Loki, Eric is left with his hammer and all its powers.  Eric serves as the new Thor with the Avengers for months before Thor is found, buried deep in Eric’s mind. 

Eric Masterson

Eric Masterson

When Thor returns he plans to leave Earth.  Not wanting to deprive the Earth of Asgardian protection, Thor gives Eric his own enchanted weapon and identity, both named Thunderstrike. Eric would die months later protecting the planet and people he loved.




4. Dargo Ktor

In the 26th century in a possible future, citizen Dargo Ktor operates as the new Thor after he finds the hammer Mjolnir that once belonged to the long missing Thunder god.  He has teamed up with the Guardians of the Galaxy and with Beta Ray Bill and Eric Masterson during a time travel adventure.   

Dargo Ktor

Dargo Ktor

Hopefully now you can tell one Thor from another.  If you’d like to talk about this subject or any possible future Marvel topics, let me know in any of the following ways: or

@Nightwingpdp or @marvel_roundup on Twitter

You can hear me and my cohost Charlie Esser (@CharlieEsser) discuss all things Marvel every week on our podcasts, the All New Marvel Roundup and Superconnectivity.  I also write another blog, Legends of DC.  You can find all my podcast, blogs, and those of others at

Until next time my friends…Nuff Said!

Posted on March 7, 2016 and filed under Comics, Comic Books, Marvel Comics, Superheroes.