Day 6 We are Gods

                Today is going to be a fun 1. For the question of who is your favorite Deity?  I think for me that really does depends on the character that I am playing. 
                When I started playing D&D I really wanted to my cleric to be a follower of Odin, because when I was younger that was the god of them all.  The problem with a cleric worshiping Odin in 1st edition is that every time a healing spell is cast Odin falls asleep for 1-3 days.  One day I want to do it any way just to mess with the other players.
                Right now I am worshiping Bobca the god that doesn’t care.  Normally he is worshiped by mages, but I think he is a good chose for the assassin I am playing.  We are on our way to a temple, and she has been thinking we will see how much he doesn’t care when she tries to steal somethings from the temple.
                One time a played a Guly-Dwarf cleric, that was a follower of Tiamat, other than that I have not done too many crazy things.  The deities are normally closely related to the characters that I am playing.
Until next time Keep Gaming

Posted on July 7, 2015 .

Day 5 Favorite Die or Dice

                A question like what is your favorite die or dice, is just opening up someone to tell you that, they have dice older then you.  But let’s get in to it.  I have had a lot of dice over the years, and there is one thing I have learned that having kids means it is going to be a long time before I have a whole set again.
                Before my mission my favorite set of dice where painted lite pink on dark pink.  I got it when I was a sophomore in High school.  The thing that made it even better was is that it was the last set in that color and I was not the only one that wanted it, but I was the one that got it.
                I don’t remember my first set after I got home from my mission, but the first set I do remember was from an ex-girlfriend it was a set of black and green crystal dice.  They are pretty cool, if you are going to get a set of these I would recommend getting a tray of some kind to roll them in, or they will roll forever.
                Now my favorite sets are a purple and yellow one, a pink and black one and black and orange crystal set.  For the 4e game I am playing in I use whatever dice comes out of the bag.  But for the 5e game I am playing in I use the pink and black 2o, and a red and green one.  I use the purple and yellow d10, and a lot of d6’s.
                There is about my dice, so until tomorrow Keep Gaming.

Posted on July 6, 2015 .

Day 4: Favorite Game World

                This one is tricky, I am not sure that I have a favorite game world because I use my own world when running games, even when I was doing an L5R type game the world was mine.  Also the world we are playing the 5e game in is written by the DM.
                I think Free Port and Ptlous are their own worlds, so I think those would be my favorite, if that truly is the case.  I was not able to finish the Ptlous game but what we did was great.  There is this one part that you are fighting on this giant machine and because of it I can’t listen to Pink Floyd’s Welcome to the Machine without thinking about that fight.  Free Port was also a really great game, I think one of the greatest moments in the Free Port game was when the Half-orc fighter thought he could take on a lich.
                I would love to get back in to the L5R game, I was not able to finish that game, and I think the world was changing great for the players.  There was also so many more things I could have done with that world, I hope that someday I can find a group to get in to it.
                If I was to run a second edition game, I would do it in the world of Ravenloft.  I like the idea of playing in an undead world.  I have some of the stuff of Ravenloft and I want to get more, but there are still so many ideas that I have. 
                I think reading some of the Dragonlance books, but I am not sure I would like to do a whole campaign on Dragonlace, in Third edition I liked using some of the stuff like the different orders of the Knights.  It might be fun though.
                I have also thought it would be fun to play in a Spelljammer game, there is just something about being in space that sounds fun.  I know you could say then what not play Star Wars or something?  While the reason is because I still want Fantasy not Sci-fi.  And thus ends another blog so until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on July 5, 2015 .

Day 3 Fav Class

                There are three classes that I like to play, most of the time there are two, because the games I play in, the assassin is not allowed, because they are good aligned games.   The 5e game that I am playing in I am able to play an assassin so that is cool.
                The Cleric:  I guess it is a good thing I like playing the Cleric, that way I don’t have to get mad when I am stuck playing it when no one else wants to.  I think my liking for the Cleric came from my 1st edition game.  My cleric DJ she was a bad ass, and had to save the team more than once.
                The Paladin:  I don’t think I started playing paladins until 3rd edition I wanted to play on in the 1st edition game, but I went with the monk instead.  If my Assassin dies that I am playing now, I am going to start playing a Dragonborn Paladin, she is going to be a lightning breather that is a pyro, and it is going to be great.
                The best Paladin I have played was a Dwarf that ended up dying to save the team.  The group was fight a fiendish monster that has swallowed the Dwarf, then the dwarf broke all the holy water he had dealing a ton of damage.
                The Assassin:  I think I might like the Assassin because it is way from my Normal style.  When I was younger I had a whole guild of assassins, and am looking forward to putting that in to the new world I am building.  I am playing two assassins right now, one in the 5e game and one in the 4e game.  I think I like the 5e one better, but they are both fun.
                I really like the build options in 5e, the plan for the one I am playing is just to take feats on the levels she can and not worry about increasing her abilities.  The next feat she is going to take is Crossbow Expert and then sharpshooter.   While there you have day three so until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on July 4, 2015 .

Day 2 What is your favorite Race

                I feel that for this challenge I have to come up with a hard core answer, so I think it is the human.  However I like games where you can choose a different race.
                In Crypts and Things you can only be a human, and for that game I think it is ok.   
                In the D&D fifth edition game I am playing a human right now and I am not sure why,  if she dies I have been thinking I am going to play a dragon born.
                I really think that what make a race fun is the game that it is in, I really don’t have a fav race, I just like playing whatever sounds good.               
                And there you have it, so until tomorrow Keep Gaming.
Posted on July 3, 2015 .

Day 1

                A thirty day challenge, I have tried to do some of those at the gym.  I know I can get behind this one.  For the next 30 days we are going to be looking at D&D and all the good stuff that comes with it.  Today is day 1 and so the question is how you get started.
                This is kind of a two part story.  I would go with my dad to Tracy Hickman’s house and hang out, while they all played.  That was about it.  When I got all the books and stuff I was living in Helper UT, a little dinky town in the middle of nowhere.  There was really no one around to play with.
                When I was in maybe the 7th grade there was one person that moved in by use, and I remember he got really mad and would not let me play, because I did not know anything about second edition.  They did not stick around so it was not that big of a deal.
                There was one person that I could play with, a friend of the family for like 100 years.  The problem was that he was an hour away.  So for a long time I was only able to play maybe twice a month.
                I think that is it, so until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on July 2, 2015 .

Mini fest

                This is the paladin mini that I used in the Dessert of Desolation game that I played in.  I don’t remember what I named her, but at some point her sword arm got broken.  In this blog we are going to look at some of the minis I have made using Hero Forge,
                Let’s start with the new Amber that is what we will call her because I don’t remember her name.  A female Paladin.  She will be one of the few female paladins in my gaming world.  The game that we were playing in was a castles and crusades game. 
                Since we are talking about the C&C game let’s move to the next character in that game, Cobber.  Cobber is a half-orc cleric, he was the character I was playing when we found the paladin.  He was the second character I played for the first one was killed by an assassin.
                Next is Guin, the assassin I am playing in my 5e game.  She is 6’2 and really greedy.
                Now we are going to look at some of the characters from the 1st edition game that I played in.  I was the only one playing so I got to run six of them but I cannot remember the last one and cannot find the character sheet.
                Dj the female cleric, she has save the group more than once.
                Crash Foefighter Dwarven Rouge fighter.
                Dragon a Human fighter.
                Zembuto Human monk
                And last is Morgana the Female human wizard.
                I love playing all of the characters from the 1e game and don’t really have a fav.  I had a ton of fun playing Cobber and it is always a good time being Guin.
                There are so many more mini’s I would love to make, plus the kids have decided that they need their own minis so I am going to be doing that soon.  I might have to hold off on the family con until I can get their minis so they have them for the con.  I think they would really enjoy that.  So there you have it some minis, so until next time keep Gaming.

Posted on June 28, 2015 .

The robots are coming

If you are as old as I am you know what this is, if you are not you still might, but this is a Gundam a kick butt robot, and there is only one thing better then watching this on tv.
That thing is Being about to be a Gundam in a D&D game.  So let’s get in today’s 5e game.  It started with a recap that caused me to say out loud that today we are going to play Veltron.  An other robot cartoon for the 80’s.
                There was only one more amulet that we need to get in order to save the city of Tesrades.  Giun had have enough of the city and it was time to go so she was going to do what ever it took to get out.  When the Consular showed himself she shot him.  It was a good wound and the only one that she was going to be able to get on him.  For before the battle started he transformed in to a werebore, he also had some undead friends.
                The battle was a good one, but just before he died he did something that would become great.  He used his amulet the last one we need and placed it in the table of power, and became frozen in place.  Once we killed all the Undead we too used the amulets and something wonderful happened.
                We found ourselves coming out of the river as giant robots, with many great powers.  My super power was to create earthquake with my hammer.  It was a recharge power that was based on a d8.  I was only able to use it one time for the whole fight only lasted five rounds.
                After destroying a large part of the city we broke the link to our robots and found the consular about to be killed by an revlent that wanted his revenge, and then we left the tower and got our reward for saving the day, and are now making ready to finally leave this city.
                There are now many things that Guin needs to find out about, so she can build her army of robots that she might take over the world.  She also has to write the contract for the bard that is writing her play.  And figure out what she is going to do to the other rouge.
                Now it is time to get back on the road to the temple, so until next time Keep Gaming.   

Posted on June 28, 2015 .

The Start of a Quest

                This is a book with 200 pages of hex page, and with this hex paper I am going to go on a quest.  The first quest is to build the world of Wonderland.  The second is going to create my other D&D world.  I have had so many ideas about that but have never found a good name.
                I just made a new post for the Neverwinter game, I had to bring back the NPC’s until I can find more players.  So there is now one rouge, and two dwarf paladins.  The rest of the group is level two, but I am thinking that I am going to just leave these Npc’s were they are and they can level up when they earn it...
                It has been some time since we had a fight, I am thinking about having a bar fight.  Having a bar fight at the House of a Thousand Faces, is not uncommon but it would be very easy to cross the wrong person.  Then the players might have one more group trying to chase them.
                I have been trying to get the website all the way up, I hope that the store part will be up tomorrow and I will start getting products on it.  I am going to have to departments, one for gaming and other stuff, and then one for costume stuff, I think that will be good for business.  I will get some of the other pages up tomorrow as well like the about us page and the home page.  If you would like to see the new look now you can find it at theswamppit.con.
                I think that will do for now, so until next time Keep Gaming.
Posted on June 24, 2015 .

A New World Order

                I don’t even know what this is, it is some kind of spider mech that my assassin in my 5e game wants to build.  She wants power and what better way to get then to take it with this wonderful weapon.
                Her goals were simple, in that she is greedy so she wants money, she is going to build a school that she can use to find people to join her guild, and to build this spider mech.  However I was thinking today that some of those goals might be changing.

                This is an Atlas Paladin Titian, it comes from the show RWBY, and Guin has found a new toy.  Not only has she found a new toy, but she has found a new goal, with the power of the titian she is going to set her sights on taking of the world.
                There might be some problems with her team, only one other person in the group is of an evil nature.  The bard and the other Rouge could be turned and maybe the druid if there is enough ale, but it might be very hard for her to get her barbarian friend to follow her, he sometimes is the only sound of reason in the group.
                This new goal is something to think about, I was thinking that the next time we played I was just going to shot the person we are encountering and get him out of the way, so we could do what we needed to.  Now I am thinking that he might be someone I can use, or the idea that we are fighting on the wrong side. She has not really liked the shifters that she has meet for the most part.

Posted on June 20, 2015 .


                This Sunday is Father’s day.  For some it is the best Holiday and though I enjoy it, there are many better holidays then this one.  Now that being said, I got my gaming Roots from my dad.
                He played D&D when he was younger with some people that I would play with, but the only thing I really remember was going to Tracy Hickman’s house and playing with his kids while my dad played D&D.  And now I working on getting my kids in to gaming.  We play all kinds of games
                I don’t remember getting my dad anything for father’s day, maybe when I was older I got him video games or stuff.  My most of my kids are young so they get me what mom get me, plus most of the time they benefit as well for example last year they got me tickets to the Salt Lake Comic Con.
                This year I think I will get the D&D 5e starter box, I am hoping to run that game on Saturday for Free RPG day.  I also need the Dead Pool weapon kit.  I would like tickets to the gaming con and the comic con, but I might be getting press passes for those. 
                I am about 200 words short but that is all I so until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on June 17, 2015 .

An Update

                There is no gaming this week unless it is the play by post games.  I am kind of happy about that it was going to be the last battle in Tretrades, but I am going to be at my graduation so I would have missed the fight.  I really want to be part of the final battle so Guin can just shoot the console man, and then we can raise the defenses of the city and make our way to the city with the temple in it.
                Maybe I can get some writing done on my games.  I would really like to get the second level of the academy done, the game is going slow but I would still like to get things done, I have some good things when they get done with that adventure.
                Father’s day is coming up so I will be able to write on that day for sure.  I was thinking I would spend the whole of it working on my 1e game, it has been some time since I have done that.  I am still working on the second level of the king’s castle. 
                Escape from Cyclops Island is still waiting on art work.  There is a go fund me at Check it out.  I have found the person that I want to do the work, and he is charging 30 dollars less than my asking price so that is good.  I am somewhat hoping to be done with this project by the end of the year.
                The Salt Lake Gaming con is coming.  So I have one more costume to get, for my assassins costume.  I am also going to get a Deadpool weapon kit from the costume shop down from my house.  There are a lot of weapons in it, but I think I am only going to use the sword and the Sai’s.  If I could find a Nerf Cross bow for cheap that would be great. 

                I had written to the people of the con and told them that I would love to run some games, but after they told me someone would get back to me about that, I have not heard from anyone so maybe I will just do some pickup games.  I am trying to get DCC to add Salt Lake Gaming con to their list of road shows, we will see what happens.  And until next time Keep Gaming.
Posted on June 12, 2015 .

A New Chapter

It has been a very busy week in my gaming.  But before we get in to that, there is some great news.  This should be the first blog post with my new home Southgate Media, and therefore the podcast will come back up.
                There is going to be a Dungeons and Dragons podcast, A Magic the Gathering podcast and maybe a super hero podcast.  I need to find some more people for the D&D podcast because we are going to be playing my Neverwinter game and other games.  I am thinking about a second one so we can just talk about the game.  The Magic the Gathering game I am going to have up after I graduate in a week. I am not sure what is going down with the super hero one, I have to think about it and work it out.
                So now let’s get in to the games.  I was able to get to all four of my games this week, and the play by post games are still slow but we will get there someday.  In the pbp game I am playing I am not sure if I told you we have gone back in time.  The only thing we have found out that the artifact allows us to track a follower of Palor through time.  We are trying to get out of the Kobold hide out.
                In the Neverwinter game, they are getting father in to the House of Knowledge that are getting close to the room with the blade trap that needs to the Vault.  They are sticking the inner rooms, so they have missed a fight so far and are far from the artifact.  With getting close to starting a podcast, I will have to start working on the second draft of the game so the artifacts are not worth as much money.

                The 5e game is going great.  We are able to raise the defenses of tecrades and then the goblin army should go away.  Then we can maybe get to the temple.  Some story-lines that I am not going to follow, like the love story, but new ones are coming to me.  I bard that I have hired is running from a noble so either the bard works for free or he is going to die, or if the price is right I could let the noble know where the bard is.  While there it is so until next time Keep Gaming.
Posted on June 7, 2015 .

A special update

                I forgot to tell you about the play by post games that I am part of, so I will do a special update about that.  I also played some Topple with my son.  We only played one game and he beat me.  So let us get in to the Play by Post games.
                I will start with my Neverwinter game.  Everyone is on the same page now so things are picking up a little.  They are moving deeper in to the House of Knowledge.  They have found two books, the first book was cover with pictures of the gods, when they read it they found out that the Throne of the Gods is on one of the seven levels of Heaven on the way to Mt Olympus. 
                I was just readying about the Throne and now I have something to add to the story, there are cults called the seekers that are looking for the Throne as while, so that should be fun.
                The second book had a music note on it, and on the inside was some music and one of the last chapters was about the working of Heward’s Mystical Organ.  They don’t know yet that two of the artifacts are in the house, if they are able to get the organ to stop the organ by the time they are able to get to Andru and get back it will be gone.
                The game that I am playing in is going great.  We just killed our second white dragon, and have reached level two.  One of our comrades has fallen, and turned in to a sword, we will see what happens with that. 

                We have found the artifact we are looking for and now we need to get it out of the ice, and get it back to town.  Then maybe we will be able to find the scout we are looking for.  I guess we still have the problem of knowing which way in time he went.  I think that is it for this week.  So until next time Keep Gaming. 
Posted on May 17, 2015 .

Get your game on.

                I have missed two games and some good things have happened, in my time away.  I should be happy that the contract I created with the bad guys was upheld and we got 400 g.p even though we betrayed them.
                So I guess this time it is just going to be about other stuff.  There is a gaming con that is going to be in August, I like it is going to be fun.  I am hoping that I might be able to run some D&D and some DCC.  I have not heard back from the con.
                I am thinking I might test play my 4e game and the con, and some B1.  That would be fun, I think I would also like to get the new 5e starter set.  I might even come up with something new for the DCC game.  I have talked to Goodman games about being a judge for the Road crew and should be getting some stuff for that.  I am looking forward to that.
                I am going to cosplay at the con.  Two of the days I am going to be my assassin character, and one day I will be my 1e cleric. 
                I have started a Go fund me project.  The idea is that with the money make from it is to pay an artist for the art work that I need done for Escape Cyclops Island.  Then I will upgrade the podcast and YouTube stuff.  That link can be found at

                I think that is it for today so until next time Keep Gaming.
Posted on May 17, 2015 .

Get Up On It

                It has been a few weeks that I have not written and am going to leave out last week’s Crypts and Things game because I was not there.  But now that I am mostly done with school I will have way more time to work on the gaming stuff that I want to.
                After I am done with this blog, I will make a YouTube video or two.  I am going to try and get what is in the Tardis that should be fun.  I also have a few comic books to get up.
                The 5e game that I am playing in is going great.  I almost died twice in the last meeting.  The first was by some wolves, after meeting with the bad guys about trying to steal something that they really want.  The second was my own fault, I went out by myself and got robbed.  There is a goblin army that is ready to attack the city we are in, and I am thinking that someone is going to have to inspire the Dwarfs to fight the goblins. 
                I am also going to have to kill the guy that robbed me, or at least but a hit out on him, I am think that I will pay 15 gold for someone to bring him to me and then I will kill him.
                 The other game I am playing in is going good, we are in the middle of a fight with a dragon, and when we kill the dragon we have to dig out an artifact out of the ice, and then we can try and find the scout that is traveling through time and space.
                I will be getting back to work on the Neverwinter game, and might be starting a face to face game, I would like to get some play testing done faster than what I am getting from the play by post game.
                I will be starting on the Wonderland setting soon, I have a few things that I have been working on for the setting and now I just need to get it done.  It will be fun when I am done with it.  I might start with an adventure for 5e if I get the MM and the DMG.  But I also have C&C and other games that I could work with.
                I can start working on my 1e game as while so I will have some updates for that soon, so until next time Keep Gaming.
Posted on April 19, 2015 .

300 to 1

            While to start I was hoping to get some work done on the Neverwinter game, but my pen bag is in my car and that is somewhere between here and Las Vegas.  So now work on that until Tuesday. 
            There is something I find funny, in one game I am playing I am able to get off one hit and then the enemy does enough damage to kill me.  And in the other game I roll max hit points every time
So now let’s get in to it.  Let’s start with the 4e game that I was playing in, we are not playing right now because the DM is reworking the game after we broke it when a new player joined.  We are still going to play he is just moving forward a little.
The Neverwinter game is going ok, we have add two new players, and now we should have people that are not going to drop out, and can start moving on.
The meat of this blog is coming from the D&D 5e game.  I am really having fun with this game, and I love the group I am playing with.  While we were waiting for everyone to show up the DM was working with a new playing working on making a rouge, but I got an idea that might help the other lady in the group.  I am thinking if we start liking each other I might start seeing if she would become a oath breaker, with the classes she already has it would be like becoming a death knight.
In the game it was the festival of dust, a party to mark the end of the war.  There were some contest one for archery one for weapon fighting and one for bare hand fighting.  Varlos was the only one that wanted to partake in the events so Guin paid for him to get in to the contest and then went to the booky and set 7 g.p on Varlos and then on some random fighters.
The game was mostly about the contest, the others were able to do stuff, Guin tried to blackmail someone but it did not go while at all, but that was ok because Varlos won one of his contest and Guin won 2100 g.p.

She is now the owner of a nice chest a Wagon and two new horses.  I did not finish the adventure because the kids need to go home and that is how it went this week.  So until next time Keep Gaming. 
Posted on March 29, 2015 .

Some Games

                I was hoping to get some work done on the Neverwinter game, but I can’t find my pencil anywhere.  So I have been working on the Castles and Crusades game that I am going to be running for my kids and some friends.
                That is going pretty good, I have started working on the second level of the keep they are going to be exploring.  I need to get some Zombies in to the game somewhere.
                I will also be doing a Marvel Super Hero game with one change.  My little girl really wants to be Super-man, I have gotten her a zombie Super-Man mini.  Have not been able to find any of the other mini’s I need.  I think I am just going to have to go to and find what I need.  I am selling on mini on the EBay store kevinsmajestictheswamppit is where you can find that.
                The pbp game I am playing is going good, we are still hunting kobolds and we just found a were tiger or something, but I am only worried about finding the time crystal so we can get on with the mission.
                The Neverwinter game is still going really slow.  I am not sure what I can do to keep the players going, but I have to do something I don’t want to be in the same area for years. 
                I am really liking the 5e game that I am playing in.  it is a new group I am playing with, except one of the guys in this group I have been gaming with for about 10 years, and I love when we are able to play together rather than when he DM’s.  Now before any of you start in, I love him as a DM to.  Yesterday’s game was mostly traveling, the mage fighter is being hunted by a cult she used to be part of, and so we had to save her.  The city we are now in is a port city for pirates so that should be fun.
So until next time Keep Gaming

Posted on March 22, 2015 .

B1 and more

            I was going to work on the B1 adventure that I am going to run for my kids, then I remembered that I have some bloging to do, so here I am.
            Because of working on school papers I have not been working on any of my writing.  School will be over soon and then I can really get in to it.  I am going to try and meet with someone to get some art work done for Escape from Cyclops Island.
            I also need to get on writing my Neverwinter game, I going to try and get some friends over to help test play that, because the play-by-post game is going so slow. 
            This week was the Crypts and Things game, but I will be writing about the on the Northern Clan blog when I am done with this one.
            This one is short so until next time Keep Gaming.
Posted on March 15, 2015 .

The Blue Dragon and the Temple.

            Another week has come and gone, so it is time to update you all on the gaming.  I was thinking last night that I need to work on the writing for the Neverwinter game, but it is kind of hard with the school work that I am doing.  It is a really good thing that it is taking so long for the players to post what they are doing.
            The Neverwinter game is going good, I am going to be introducing the new player today I hope, the imp they are fighting will die if the next player can hit it, and then will find the new player I am not sure what he is playing yet.
The new game that I am playing in is going great.  It is called Tales of Lusionia, we have been in a keep trying to help them fight off an army of kobolds and cults, and I think we won.  Yesterday we had a battle with a blue dragon and after dying we were able to drive it off.  I was able to gain some respect with the barbarian by dying in battle.  After that fight we said we would go rescue some people that were being held up in the temple in town. 
There was a large group that we had to fight, but we were able to rescue the people.  During the fight this huge dragonborn person showed up and stopped his men from fighting and left, then showed up at the keep to fight the barbarian, it was a good fight but in the end the barbarian fell.

                The online game that I am playing in is also going slow, I understand that life is busy, but if you can’t play then don’t hold everyone else up.  We are fighting kobolds and some other things that we don’t know about yet, looking for an artifact that would let us travel through time. 
                I have some YouTube shows to make, I am going to try and do that tonight and other blogs that I have to get done.  I have a basketball tournament next week but I am thinking that when I am done with that I will start doing the reviews of the game stores that I have been wanting to do for some time now.

                I think that is it for this week so until next time Keep Gaming.
Posted on March 8, 2015 .