Lots of D&D

                So I am going to start with the roll20 games, because I have spent some time, trying to find a 2e game to join. 
                So last night I played in my friends new 4e game, we only got one battle done, that is how we roll, we get half way thought the first encounter and people start dogging out. I was kind of mad last night and am starting to wonder if the problem is because the player get bored.  But we were trying to free an NPC and one of the players said he was going to kill the NPC, so I and one other player attacked him.  This evil player ended up dying, and then was like that did not really happen.  So I am going to do what I want but if I die I am going to cry about it.
                There is a pit full of dragon bones like this is where they go to die, or something, I am going to try and figure out what that is all about.
                So when this blog is done, I have to go and get some more magic cards on eBay, I have so much of that to do, and I am hoping that one of the guys that I am working with will be able to get stuff up on the website. 
                Tomorrow will be the second episode of The Kevin Long Show, the first one should be up on I tunes any day now.  And don’t forget that we are trying to start a TMI Tuesday, so get your questions to Kevinsmajesticent@gmail.com or here in the comments, and look for them on the YouTube channel Mrdragonfi.
                I also want to get some writing done so, until next time Keep gaming.

Posted on November 22, 2015 .

The Flag Ship

                Today I am going to keep it short, for I need rest.  But there are some things I want to share with you.
                First the new podcast cast should be out any day now.  This one is called The Kevin Long Show. And it is about a lot of stuff, when I know it is out for sure.  I am hoping that next week we will get the Magic show out.  The D&D podcast will come out next year.
                I will be spending a lot of time working on the Neverwinter game tomorrow. And that will be good.  There are no games tomorrow so I have lots of time.
                The last thing is that I have decided that I am going to do all my blogs under the A Gamer A Day, and will post what game it is talking about.  So until tomorrow Keep Gaming.

Posted on November 21, 2015 .

Extra Extra Read all about it SMG makes Deal with Tee Public.

                I am really excited, as part of the SouthGate Media Group I was just looking at shirts from Tee Public and I will share with you two of the Shirts that I have seen.  The First that I am going to share is the one I that have chosen to be the shirt of Wonderland and the Hero’s.

                I have Chosen to display this Red Woman’s shirt of the Wonderland and the Hero’s, but you can get it in any size form small to 5xl, and in many colors or styles.
This shirt can be found here. https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/234096-nightfall-tee-the-dragon-variation
                The second shirt I saw is an Alice in Wonderland shirt in the male style.  This shirt is for the podcast done By Rob Southgate about the T.V. show Alice in Wonder land.  There are many tee shirts for the SMG at https://www.teepublic.com/stores/southgatemediagroup
the link for this Shirt is https://www.teepublic.com/t-shirt/95671-alice-in-wonderland-inspiration?aff_store_referral_id=1227

Posted on November 3, 2015 .

Magic Items and Zombies

Finally I was able to get back to my Saturday morning game.  It was a good game, not too much adventuring there was only three of us.  We finally made it back to the city from which we were hired to find the artifact.  I came to the game after it started, so I did not now that we were hired by different people for Bethsheba, and Beargub. But that doesn’t change the story.  We were able to spend time just doing stuff, so I was able to find some new boots, and get my armor fixed.  Just for the fun of it, I was looking for some Demon Hunter boots, they did not have any.
I was able to find someone that I could contract with, to head up north to the trading post, and see if my 50 g.p investment has made me any money.  I was also able to a tune myself to one of the magic items I have from the temple.  The Glove are called the Gloves of Fate, and they allow you to mess with fate.  The problem is that in order to get them to a tune to a player that player has to sacrifice their power to turn the undead.  I am going to try and either sell them or find someone that I can trade with.
We got a new mission at the price of 500 g.p each.  The mission is to head down south, and find a man name Barthromul, and aid him in whatever he may need.  We traveled for some time with a caravan, and then headed off on our own.  It did not take long before we found ourselves in a fight with some zombies.  We almost lost some of the houses we had, but Vorlas being the great man that he is was able to get them back.
When we got to the town we were headed for, it was very edgy in that they don’t like new comers to the town, we ran in to the Sheriff, and he told us we were only allowed to stay in town long enough to meet with Bart and then we had to leave.  We found Bart in the local temple and learned that we were going to have to go in to the Crypt and destroy whatever was in there, but first we had to get the key to the crypt from the mayor.
The Group is now ready to go in to the Crypt, so next week we will see what happens, so until then Keep Gaming.

Posted on November 1, 2015 .

Dragons and EDH

                Let me start with a story.  My friend show’s up at my house to say Happy Birthday, and he had a deck of magic cards in his hand.  I asked him if they were from the new set.  He said no, but it was something he just put together, and wanted me to see it.  It was a really cool dragon EDH deck and want to me to see all the nasty stuff that you could do with it.  Then he should be the lands that are in it, and asked if I had any of the Guild gates and Mazes End, I said I have two of every gate, and if he need them, and processed to take the gates out of this deck, and I again said if you need gates I can get them of you and he said I needed the gates and proceeded to give me the deck.
                Happy Fricking Birthday to me.  It was; is a great deck.  I needed someone to play a game with me so I could see what it does, and so I could write a blog about it.  Yesterday was as my kids say it my Real birthday, and I called someone to come over.  We played three games and here is how it went down.
                Game 1:  This game was tuff, when I got the deck, it was not shuffled and so this game was the first time.  I was not shuffled every well, and maybe I should have taken more than one mulligan and got more land.  I was on turn away from being able to do something that might have saved the game. The opponent played a card that was going to destroy one of my lands, he was having a hard time deciding because what was it going to matter.  With a little help from me in getting him to stop wasting time, he destroyed my Mountain, and that really was what in the end cost me the game.
                Game 2:  This was my game, everything was going the way it should have.  Got my commander out, and was able to do so many things to the bad guy.
                Game3:  I don’t know why but I gave this game to the other player, he was just doing stupid stuff and maybe I just wanted it to end, so I should him his mistake and on and then did something so he could have his turn and do what he should have on his first time after casting a card.
                So there you have it, in the end I was 1 of 3 and that is 33%, and now until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on October 21, 2015 .

The book of Worms

This week was little, week for getting stuff done. But next week I am going to pick it up.  I have to find a job, and get some school stuff done, but I am going to get this thing going.
                I have some things to get posted on eBay, and on Thursday I am going to be getting some stuff done, on the website, and make it look better, and there is a lot to write about on the Neverwinter blog, so until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on October 18, 2015 .

201 is not the 501st

As I sit on the train headed to the city to find a new job, it is a great time to work on the blog.  There are going to be more Magic decks on EBay this week.  Right not I have a Green and Red Lowryn deck I just have to get up.  I am hoping to get two new decks up every day.
                I am hoping to get some more work done on the website, I am still having my sale, and I have not fixed it so everything is 82% off, that is crazy and I will be fixing it this week.
                I have some videos that I should get up.  I am going to create two new channels on You Tube.  One will be for the Comic’s, It is going to be called Grim Comic’s, the other one is going to be called The Dragon Lord, it will be for all the D&D stuff I am going to be doing.
                I have not done too much writing for the Neverwinter game but I should the players are now in the House of Knowledge, and moving fast.  I think I told you last time that I have started making changes already for the second draft.  I have a few monsters that I might have to change.
                I should start working on other stuff too, I have been thinking that this week I would sit down and start mapping out Wonderland, and getting that going.  I also want to map out one of the books I am going to be working on.

Posted on October 14, 2015 .

One more Week

                It has been a good I was able to get some things sold on eBay, I have to get more things up.  I have decided that I am going to sell my decks for some time right know.  I would like to get some other things going, so the Magic Podcast will just have to wait.
                This week was mostly spent trying to get the business going better.  There is a huge sale right now at the website.  www.theswamppit.com.  I am going to be doing the sale on cards and other items that I put one EBay.
                It has been about a month and a half that I was able to play the 5e game, yesterday was a good day to play.  We started in a battle arena has the new combatant’s.  The first battle was some Hyena’s and the second was some orc’s that battle was a little harder but we still got the win.  Then things got real we had to grab Bathsheba and get the crap out of there, we were all riding on a wagon being chased by some bug things on Grasshoppers.  We had a shape-shifter that looked a little like Bathsheba and Bathsheba, and some other old friends.
                So it turned out that jumping throw the portal in the temple with the artifact caused some kind of time storm that is going to destroy the world, if we don’t get back through that portal.  So next time that is what we have going on the next time we play.
                I have finally started playing my Neverwinter game, I am doing it on roll20 and so far it is going good. Last night I only had three of my players show up, so we did not get deep in to it but it was a good game, and again the players proved that they are going to do whatever they want.  They might be working with the Red Wizards so that will be interesting.
                I have to get some Pregens done for games, and con’s that I am going to, but I am not sure that the Extra-life event is going to happen, the only people that have posted about going are myself and the people that are hosting it. And unto this it is the end, so until next time Keep Gaming.
Posted on October 4, 2015 .

The End of Another Week

As another week comes to an end.  I was writing on one of my other blogs, and I have to get some Pre-Gens done.  Some for the Castles and Crusades Game that I will be running and a con in January, and some for the 1e D&D game that I am doing in Nov for the Extra-life event. 
I only got able 30 min of writing on the Neverwinter game, but I am going to have to start working on that more, for I am now DMing it again in a roll20 game.  That should be good.
I spent most of the day working on getting things up on the EBay store, I was going to list a Deck but I cannot find the deck list so I am going to have to do that tomorrow, and now that I am working 10 hour days I think I am doing to have to end this and get ready for bed so until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on September 20, 2015 .

Magic and Castles and assassins

Let’s start with my daughter’s birthday.  It was good because one of my friends/Third brother was able to make it to the party and we were able to play some Magic the Gathering. We Played 4 games, and I last them all.  Game 1: I use my House Dimir deck.  I don’t remember what deck he played but I was not able to get the cards I needed and he took care of me pretty fast.  Game 2: I used my Minotaur deck and again lost.  As I was playing this deck I was thinking that I should see about adding some guild gates and adding an endless maze to the deck.  Game 3: I used my Vampire deck and he was using an artifact deck, I had way too much mana.  Game 4: this was an EDH game, this was my best chance to win, but I was missing one forest card and lost.
I have spent the week working on a new character for a play by post game.  She is going to be an assassin Shadow Dancer.  We are starting at level 11, so we will see what happens this time.
The Saturday night game was good all I am going to post about that here is that some of the players drive me nuts, there is one player that plays for 20 min and then decides he has to go to bed.
There I have to get some writing on the Neverwinter game so we will keep it short tonight and until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on September 13, 2015 .

A slow week Take it Easy.

                It has been kind of a down week for gaming.  I have been talking with one of my DM’s about moving our Facebook Play by Post game to roll20.  I think if we did that we might get more players so we will see what happens with that.
                It was Labor Day Weekend, I was kind of hoping that we might be able to get some extra gaming in on Friday or Sunday, but the DM of the roll20 game is out of town so we got no gaming done.  I like that game, there is one person that I wonder about, but I think every group has that person or people.
                I was able to get some stuff done on the Neverwinter game, but I will write about that on the Neveragain blogs so I really do think that is it for this week.  Until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on September 7, 2015 .

Somewhere between here and there.

                The plan was to work on the Northern Clan, but I found that I am the only one that has a background for my Character, so I am going to have to wait on that one.  I can maybe get some writing done on the Neverwinter game is my sick baby will go to sleep.
                I have finished the C&C B1 game, now I need to get the Pre Gen’s made.  I also need to start working on the 1e version, and the game I am going to do for the Extra-Life event.  So much to be done.
                I am trying to see if I can get the Extra-life game on Twitch I think that might be fun, I am not really sure how to do that so I don’t know if I am going to be able to get to that. 
                I think that is all I have this time, so until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on September 3, 2015 .

Here's to one more week

            It is going to be somewhat of short post.  I was able to get some work done on the Neverwinter game, and have posted that one the Neveragain blog. 
            I am going to start a new story for the Northern Clan blog, I am going to be writing about the 4e game that I play on Saturday night.  I will start that one tonight when I am done with this one.
            I have been about to do a little work on the website, and you can quick that out at www.theswamppit .com.  There is also the go fund me that you can check out at gofund.me/u86emcc4.  And that is about it for this week.

Posted on August 30, 2015 .

The end of an other Week

                I was going to write that I was just about to give up, on the Play by Post game that I am in, but the DM posted some stuff and the fight is still on.  I hope that the new person in the group will work out this time.  I am a little worried, because they are already asking if you don’t know about the artifact why we would bring it back to the city.       
                I don’t play a lot of video games, mostly because there is so much more you can do, in a game like D&D, but I am really excited about the remake of Final Fantasy VII, so I have started playing the old one again.  Plus someday I would still like to write an adventure based on it.

                I have been playing a lot in the night game, I will be playing tonight and was thinking that maybe I would make the Northern clan blog about that game.  I have started playing the paladin again, so now I have that and the cleric that I play and if we are playing on a not schooled day I also play the rouge in the group.
                I have started writing the bio for the Minotaur Paladin, and I am using some of the things in the back of the PHB. II, I really like how it is set up, and with the things you take you can get skill bonuses.  So I just find a way to add those in to what I want to write.  I will be getting some bracers made out of White Dragon scales, but I am going to need 1,000 g.p
                The new Cleric that I am playing Sister Guin of Water Deep, she is fun I don’t like the two-weapon fighting in 4e, but I might get in to it, because she just got a spiked shield.  So we will see how that goes, I might just make it a second weapon or use it for my op attacks.
                Tonight I need to get some writing done on the Neverwinter game, I also have a blog for that game that I need to get done when I am done with this one.
                I think that is it for this day, so until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on August 22, 2015 .

A great week for gaming

                I got my school work done on time, and was hoping that I might get some company stuff done.  The credit card is in the car so get the next month of the website will have to wait, and I might only be able to add a few more Magic cards on the site.  I was also hoping to get some writing on the Neverwinter game, but I will get a lot of that done on Friday.
                It has been a good week of gaming, I was able to get to both my day game and my night game.  In the day game we had the final battle at the wind temple, the other adventuring group the ones of the false Paladins, found us at the artifact.  Bathsheba was not going to let them have it and so she grabbed it and jumped through a portal.
                The other group was led by Telling Wizard that was ready for a fight but he was not going to be part of it, leaving one of the paladins with us he when to the clock guardian and moved the chain to the wrong time and we were attacked by some magical armor.
                I was going to try and kill the wizard but the group did not really want me to until, he screwed us and then suddenly they all wanted me to kill him.  It is kind of funny how that works, that when a fight is going to happen any way so I try to get the jump on them and we better wait and see what happens.
                I know have a new person or to hunt down when we find our way back, for after the battle we all jumped through the portal, I know it was a good way to make up for the fact that the player who is Bathsheba was not there but Guin, still has a thing for her so she had to make sure she was ok.
                We are now somewhere where there is lots of red sand maybe the nine hells maybe not, but somewhere.  If we were on the Nine Hells I would be able to found a Succubus that I could make a pact with and become a Warlock.
                In the night game we got two new plays, and I gave one of them my Paladin because he wanted to play a male, so I am know playing a female sword mage.  That was different because at the time I did not know her character she was not done, but all the powers she has bring the bad guys to her, but her AC was only 11.  I fixed that and now it should be all good, so until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on August 16, 2015 .

I swear I saw a Dragon

This week in gaming where to start.  I missed my 5e game again.  I was really looking forward to that one.  Maybe next week.  Guin is going to become a warlock by making a pact with a succubus, it is going to be great. 
                Today after about two weeks I asked the DM if we are still playing his play by Post game, and he said yes and posted an attack by one of the NPC’s so now we will see how long it takes for the next person in turn.
                I was finally able to play in the roll 20 game that I am in.  I really like this group.  The adventure we are playing in from the 4e Red Box, in the last adventure we fought a White Dragon and his Kobold minions. 
                I like that we are not playing the rule that you can only be good, my Paladin is UN, and the barbarian is CE and everyone else is CN, and it is a fun game. 
                I have to get back to writing the game for the family con, for it is the same one that I am going to use for one of my games at Bryce Con, I then change a few things for the 1e game, I am not sure I am going to change to much but I am thinking that I will have the players keep their characters so in 2017 the can go through B2 Keep on the Borderlands
                I am part of Extra-life this year, so I am going to be writing a 24 hour dungeon for that day, it is going to be a 5e game.  It is going to be a lot of fun.  If you want to donate to the cause you can go to Extra-life.org and do that, my goal is 300 dollars.
                I think that is it for now so until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on August 9, 2015 .

The Doctor Game

                I am not sure I am going to get to 400 words to night but we will see.  I had taken the day off, so I could get some homework done, and then took the kids out to lunch.  At some point we found ourselves at our auntie’s house.
                We were not there long before one of the kids was asking to play the Doctor game, of course I had no idea what the Doctor game was but I should have, for she wanted to play operation.  So I helped them set that up, but I know we did not have a lot of time before we had to go again so I was going to play Mario.
                After 5 min, the kids were tired of the Doctor game and went on to the Tower game, but the boy who wanted to play Monopoly decided that because it would take too long was going to play Mario with me, then the daughter had to play Mario too.
                I was thinking about this, but until I am able to get the Monopoly Jr, game there really is no reason they can’t play the big version they are the same one just have more zero’s on the end of the money, so we might do that one time.  Until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on August 5, 2015 .

A Time Keeper and Magic

                I will just start at the begging and go from there.  I think the two play by post games are all but dead.  That really is kind of a bummer.  I was having some fun with the assassin, and trying to get my game test played.  I will see if I can find a group to help me with that or I will just get my kinds to help me.
                I have started playing a new 4e game on roll20.net it is ok, so far I have not do too much.  Right now I am chained to a wall.
                I have started playing Magic the Gathering Origins, it was free on steam so I thought I would check it out.  I like it better than the ones I played on the PlayStation, the story seems better even though I feel they have used these planes walkers to death and could use many of the other ones.  I was kind of hoping to play the board game tonight but I will have to do that some other time.
                The 5e game is going great.  We finally got to the temple that has the artifact for our first mission.  There is about to be a fight.  But what happen this week, we found lots of treasure and the other rouge found the one trap that would kick the carp out of us.
                He also found a room full of mimic’s and it was great. He started fighting one of them and got it out to the main hall with the rest of us, but I was not going to help him, if he died I would not be too sad.  We all so found some magic items. I got a pair of gloves, scarf and a rob.  There was also a clock and a toga.
                I found this one room and in was a pit that people had built to do some spiritual stuff it was kind of crazy the idea was the you had to die to become stronger.
                And the final room, when we got a cross the three bridges that right, the group each took a different bridge.  The was a statue of a man that keep time, the goal was to answer the riddle to find out what time it was to be.  Well they were working on that I tried to cross the path and got stuck in the glue.
                There you have it, so until next time Keep gaming.

Posted on August 2, 2015 .

Day 30 favorite gaming experence

                It has been two days since the last day of the 30 day challenge so I should get that done, and here it
                There have been a lot of games in my days, and a few DM’s.  I think there have been good times and some bad ones, but I have a top Three dm’s list because you always know you were going to get something good.
1.       Would have to be my first Dm not only was a family friend, but was really good at story telling.
2.       Would have to be the one of the two that I have now.  He has been playing for a long time and always has good stuff. 
3.       The second one that I play with now.  There really is nothing better than playing as a giant robot.
So it is short but there it is all done.  So until next time Keep Gaming.

Posted on August 2, 2015 .